December is close – which means it’s time to get your home in the best shape for the holidays. A good, deep clean-up is a tradition that not only promotes wellness by keeping your environment clean and organized, it also helps carry the fresh-start feeling brought on by a new year well into the summer.
We’ve compiled some of the best cleaning tips so you can declutter and deep clean your house to make it sparkle all year round. Some of these tips have been shared on our Instagram page if you’re following.
- Remove water stains with lemon for a natural faucet fix
This spring, make faucets clean and sparkly by rubbing a lemon half on the water stains. The citric acid helps remove hard watermarks. Then, use the other half of the lemon for a lemonade.
- Use white vinegar to beat shower head buildup
Looking for more natural ways to clean your bathroom? Vinegar can dissolve the mineral deposits that accumulate in showerheads over time, causing reduced pressure and water flow. Fill a plastic bag with white vinegar, secure it over the showerhead with a rubber band and leave it overnight to get rid of buildup. Just be sure to run the shower before you hop in, or you risk smelling like vinegar all day.
- Clean stainless steel sinks with baking soda
Simply wet your sink and faucet, sprinkle baking soda, and scrub with a sponge. If you need more heavy-duty scrubbing power, add salt to the baking soda.
- Clean your grill with an onion
Get your grill cleaned up and ready for the warm weather. First, heat it and spray some white vinegar onto the grates to help loosen the residue. Then, scrub the area firmly using half an onion. The acid from the onion will rid your grill of any leftover remnants.
- Know your couch or rug before cleaning it
Don’t ruin your upholstered furniture by using the wrong cleaner. Not all manufacturer labels state what type of solvent to use. Familiarize yourself with the cleaning codes below.
Upholstery Cleaning Labels:
W: Use water-based cleaning solutions.
S: Use dry-cleaning solvents. Do not saturate. Do not use water.
S-W: Use water-based cleaners or dry-cleaning solvents.
X: Use a vacuum or brush only.
- Avoid scratching floors by placing clean towels under furniture while rearranging
Looking to freshen up your home by rearranging furniture? Slide heavy pieces like couches and tables easily and without damage by placing folded, clean towels under each end of the furniture.
- Put the life back in your dirty keyboards with cotton swabs
If certain keys or sticking, or your entire keyboard just doesn’t have the same pop that it used to, chances are dirt and crumbs are the culprits. Sweep cotton swabs between your keys to dislodge dust and grime. And for a real deep clean, use compressed air to blast away any leftover dust, and follow it up with one more sweep through your keys, this time using a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to kill germs.
- Recycle old socks to use as dusting mitts
Cotton is a great fabric for trapping dust particles. Try using a (clean) pair of socks as dust mites and you’ll have more control over where dust goes.
- Organize and freshen up
Once you’ve cleared out the clutter, give your home some much-needed TLC.
- Empty your kitchen fridge and thoroughly clean it.
- Sweep under your large appliances, like the stove and the fridge, and larger furniture pieces, like dressers, desks, and beds.
- Wash the windows, both inside and out.
- Clean blinds and take any curtains or drapes to the cleaners.
- Flip your mattress. Don’t just clean your sheets; wash your pillows and mattress covers as well.
- Clean your upholstery, or hire a professional to do it.
- After these more thorough tasks, do your usual scrubbing, mopping, dusting, and vacuuming.
- Hire a cleaning companyInstead of going through all this stress and managing your time, it is preferable to hire professional cleaners to ensure that these things are checked. We have the most affordable and professional service in Lagos.
Enjoy your home when it’s clean.